Monday, September 25, 2006

Bonhoeffer Retreat - October 14

It is time once again for the annual Bonhoeffer Retreat! We will be having the retreat on Saturday, October 14 at a location still to be determined (within an hour of Jackson and depending on who signs up). We meet for breakfast at Christ Community Church at 7:00am. We will try to be on the road by 8:00. The study should start at about 9:00am, we will have lunch together at the cabin and the study will end at about 3 or 4pm. (For those interested in staying later we will have a time of fellowship and prayer that could last into the evening).
This year we will be studying Christ the Center, so if you do not have a book let me know and I will order one for you.
We usually carpool to the retreat so transportation should not be an issue. We do need to know who is planning to go and who plans to take their car/van.
Please RSVP ASAP (NO LATER THAN FRIDAY PLEASE), and also let me know if you need a book (about $10). Also, feel free to invite male friends (this is a men's retreat) that you think would benefit from our time together in this theological study.

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