Monday, July 17, 2006

Comments from the Concert

"Those guys are real musicians! We have to follow them?!?" -- Robin in reference to Kula

"This was the best night of my life!" -- Joy

"The Irish dance troupe was fantastic." -- Robin (who is from Ireland)

"How mightily God moved! The anointing of God's Spirit was snuggled so close on that beautiful hillside, nestled in such lush green beauty, with the stars glinting down upon us. Robin Mark and his group were just incredible. I am very reluctant to call such a glorious presence of God a concert. It truly was more of a worship service. There are few things that will cause love to swell in a wife's heart like the sight of her husband standing under the stars, his face turned heavenward, his hands lifted to his King in worship, focused solely on Him. One gentleman came up to us, asking how the recovery was going post-Katrina. I was born and raised in New Orleans and my brother lived three houses down from the 17th Street Canal levee breech. He lost everything, as did many of my cousins. Needless to say, this is a subject very dear to my heart. My beautiful city is still very wounded, in some areas mortally. It was so heartwarming to hear this man tell of the efforts he and his church made to come and give of their time and energy and dollars. He was so genuinely interested and concerned. Here we are, ten months after the storm, and the unfathomable grief over what was lost and the overwhelming joy and humility over the selfless, tireless giving of so many still does me in to the point of tears." -- Bill & Missy from New Orleans

"One kilo of Ethiopian Sidamo coffee goes to the person who traveled the longest distance to come to this concert..." -- Patrick, just before giving the coffee to a grandmother who drove from Allentown, PA with her family from New Orleans for the concert.

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