Friday, February 20, 2009

New Logo

Thanks to Ben Williams of BW Creative for our new logo!

Sanctuary Village Update

We were recently notified that the Ethiopian government has ceased all NGO registrations for the time being. This means that our progress in acquiring land for Sanctuary Village has stalled. There is no indication when the process will resume, however progress in the discipleship ministry continues.
Fikadu has been spending his days doing research and proposal writing in preparation for the resumption of the official paperwork process.
A plan is developing to open a coffee shop and guest-house in Addis Abeba for the purpose of outreach ministry and discipleship, as well as a means to facilitate future teams through IOI. This company may also serve as a vehicle that provides local funding and a legal entity for the establishment of Sanctuary Village.
All funding given to date for Sanctuary Village construction is being held in an account, and will not be used for the coffeehouse ministry. Therefore we are currently seeking investors for the coffee house venture. The estimated cost of this phase of the project is $20,000.00 US.
Proceeds from the sale of The Bishop’s Beard Coffee will go toward the establishment of the coffeehouse ministry in Addis. v

Patrick's Paragraphs - Confident Giving

In the weeks since my return from Ethiopia I have been doing a bit of soul searching concerning how it is that we raise funds. I witnessed such great need in Ethiopia that I came home burdened to be more active with the raising of funds. The ministers we support have been in hardship with over 100% inflation this past year, and we are lacking enough sponsors for the childcare project that does so much good.
I visited with many missionaries supported through IOI and some of the children served through the TLC project. To say that they have been good stewards is an extreme understatement. Two of the indigenous missionaries had even neglected their own health in order to minister to the needs of their families and fellow church members.
In the Didache (an ancient pastoral) we are taught that a prophet that asks for money for himself is false. However, it is considered good practice for a true prophet to ask on behalf of others. We see this example in Scripture when the Apostle Paul seeks funding for the poor church in Jerusalem. (2 Corinthians 9)
A series of false prophets and programs have plagued the American airwaves over the past four decades. Charlatans have pronounced curses over Christians who do not give, all the while promising riches to those who do. We have learned of ministries that send only a small percentage to the poor while keeping the majority of funds for “administration.” Many have grown cold and sarcastic as we have watched and maybe even at times been victims of these swindlers.
The fact is that God does not need our money, nor does He require that we give Him our money so that He can bless us. The requirement for the Christian is that any giving be generous and cheerful! (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
I can in clear conscience appeal to you today on behalf of your brothers and sisters in Ethiopia, and the ministry of the True Light Childcare project. Indeed it is my joy to share this opportunity with you today, and it will be my joy to be the conduit of this blessing to the Church in Ethiopia.
In closing I want to thank those who join in this ministry of blessing by giving to the CORE fund in order that all the designated giving goes to directly benefit the ministers and families in Ethiopia.v